Monday, May 30, 2011



To THANK ALL THOSE who continue to sacrifice their own lives, for the safety of our own.


There is no logical explanation why it should be such a difficult time.  This time.  I've been through this before yet, somehow the timing seems off.  Waking up each morning feeling something is horribly wrong in my world but not remembering what it is.  Realizing I''ve not yet written those most important final letters to my children in which I express through unretractable written words what they have given my life, the joy and yes, even the heartache, that has served to make them the two adults I am most proud of.  Wondering where the time has gone, and what have I done with it, that has truly mattered...

Resisting the urge to grasp the prayer card sent to me so thoughtfully, until it wrinkles in my cold-sweat covered hand  (Thank You Joe and Father Christian R. Oravec, T.O.R. and all the Franciscan Friars). 

It occurs to me I have no unfinished business, my only plans to this point and beyond, were to help any human or animal that crossed my path through the knowledge and abilities learned over the course of my career.  Knowing that my children will continue the tradition solves any concerns in that area. 

My son will care for the city cat.  He is leaving small dead animal presents for us. He Thanks Us.  My daughter will continue to care for and rehab wild creatures.  

Though I never was fortunate to have that one true love of my life to share a lifetime with, I have had my love for life, and the joy seeing happiness in others brings me.

Somewhere in that hospital, someone knows my future, or lack thereof.  Somewhere a radiologist has gone over my test results and knows.  I will not know until Wednesday.  I've always taken a certain amount of pride in maintaining my composure, regardless of what disaster unfolds before me.  If I may be pardoned for being quite frank, it's pissin' me off this time.

Now if you will kindly excuse me, I think I think I see a homeless man wandering around I must drag in off the street and force him to allow me to help him........      ;}

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Due to the many e-mails and msgs I have received regarding little Helen and her sister Runner (don't ask), my son took a few pictures for me with his phone, then - through his vast knowledge of all things technical -  somehow put the pictures on his  computer, enabling me to post a new picture of Helen.
She is on her last four days of steroids, has had no further problems and we are hoping beyond all hope that she will maintain her state of general well-being.  Her only stumbling block appears to be psychological.  Though her moments of insecurity appear to be diminishing over time, since her illness she will have little anxiety attacks, and trot like a little Tennessee Walker into the cat-carrier she went to the vet. in, enjoy a long nap in her 'safe-house,' before joining the general population.

Aw, come on BOB?, Helen needs her 15 minutes of FAME alone....
She has brought all her favorite things to her house and leaves them there.

Um, Precious, that goes for you as well....

Well that was tougher than we expected.

Precious refuses to be left out of the limelight...

Edgar escapes the fray, observing all from on high....

We remain your faithful cat-house.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


I really need to know this.

Why do you always replace the toilet paper roll with the end coming UP over the top?????

Monday, May 2, 2011